well now i am a kansas state university GRADUATE! i made it. this weekend last weekend in manhattan was pretty crazy. i had to finish checking people out of their rooms for the summer. and saturday was graduation. i walked and it was sooooo boring. i had to be at the arena at 730 am (way too early) then i stood in a line next to some people i knew, thankfully, for an hour and around 830 we finally walked down on to the basketball court and sat down and we were there for 2 hours listening to people reading names and speaches and the like... i almost fell asleep, talk about riviting. then my row stood up and we walked up to the front and they read my name (and even pronounced it right), gave me an empty diploma folder and went and sat back down. we didnt get to throw our hats or anything - pretty lame-o.
but then in the afternoon i had a reception at my aunt and uncle's house. that was pretty good, most of my good friends showed up which was good to see them all once more before i left kstate for good.. but dang - im going to miss them all alot. im not sure about this whole growing up thing. growing up means leaving people behind i guess, there isnt anything i can do about that. hopefully ill see them all again sometime.
now this deal in Newton that i wrote about last time... im still waiting to hear from them. i recieved an email last week from them saying that they would get in contact with me sometime this week so i am waiting. ill write again letting you know if i got the worship leader position at grace community.
oh.. hey i got a wireless router for my parents house... holler. now i can go anywhere and be on the internet!! this is pretty AWESOME... and i can share my itunes with my parents computer up stairs and listen to it upstairs too.. pretty sweet - i love technology...
heres some proof:

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